Denis Stepura

Nuclear Power & New Energy

Denis’ professional experience covers 14+ years in energy sectors (including nuclear & new energy) and successful implementation of projects in the following sectors: metallurgy, OEMs, pulp and paper and general industry. Projects in energy sector cover qualification of equipment to local norms and standards, consultancy and project management of complex projects with multiple contractors and stakeholders. Denis’ experience also covers marketing, trend data analysis to support strategic presentations and involvement in feasibility and case studies, issuing reports including new energy and green H2 solutions concepts and products to customers. Denis’ experience also includes involvement of experts, forming teams, accomplishment of nontypical applications starting from scratch, technical qualifications and follow-up support after implementation of the project onsite in EMEA region.

From Concept Design to Handover Worley delivers a site assembled, remote operated Asset

Assessment of Potential for a Low-Carbon Hydrogen Economy in the EBRD Region