Łukasz Sikorski
Country Manager
OWC, Poland
Łukasz Sikorski is the Country Manager of OWC in Poland. He is a MBA graduate and an engineer with a humanist soul, with almost 15 years of experience within the wind industry. Engaged in providing variety of services related to the project development and implementation, both on land and on sea. This includes tasks like the feasibility studies or technical reviews of the wind farms, due diligence processes for the projects’ financing or acquisition purposes, risk evaluations and assessments or advisory helping understood energy sector and local specifics. For offshore wind business Łukasz was engaged, among the others, in the project management and quality assurance activities, co-authored design specifications, tender documentation and project development management procedures, managed the delivery of the advisory and supervision services for wind measurements campaigns and project development activities, while also worked on the risk management and mitigation issues. Currently is actively delivering the advisory services to the Polish projects being at various development stages and providing support to some other developments within the global offshore market.
Łukasz was also engaged in the development of the Polish offshore wind sector, including regulatory guidance while taking active part in the branch work groups and cooperating closely with the market stakeholders. Having special interest in the cost reduction issues and place of the offshore wind in the future energy mix provided variety of thought leadership materials in form of articles, workshops, presentations and discussion panels.
Łukasz Sikorski leads as the country manager the Polish office of Offshore Wind Consultants in Warsaw which provides consultancy services to developers of and investors into offshore wind projects for their full life cycle. Prior to joining OWC, Łukasz led an advisory team at one of the technical consultancies providing engineering advice to the renewables sector, but also worked for a leading global developer constructing some of the major wind farms in Poland.
Journey Through the Project Management - Key Considerations for the Offshore Wind Developments