Dr Mark-Paul
Managing Director
Xi Engineering Consultants
Dr Mark-Paul Buckingham is the Managing Director of Xi Engineering Consultants, an innovative engineering firm based in Edinburgh. He has been actively engaged in onshore and offshore wind projects for the past 15 years and sits on the International Standards Organisation (ISO) group for wind turbines. He is also an active member of both RenewableUk and Scottish Renewables.
Xi’s work, led by Dr Buckingham is often responsible for reducing barriers to deployment of renewables. He was responsible for freeing up over 1GW of Onshore development in Scotland due to seismic vibration levels of turbines. This work was conducted for the Eskdalemuir Working Group formed of DECC, MOD, Scottish Government, RenewableUK, Scottish Renewables and several wind turbine deployment companies. Xi Engineering Consultants assist wind turbine developers to understand the impact of acoustic and vibration to mitigate these concerns and develop sites. Dr Buckingham also has extensive experience in working within both public and private sectors and his role includes assistance in the development of standards. He has also led Xi Engineering Consultants to numerous solutions resolving issues relating to wind turbines around the world. He has extensive experience working directly with manufacturers to improve their devices and the developers/operators of such systems.
Dr Buckingham has a bachelor’s with First Class Honours in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Edinburgh. He completed his PhD at the University of Edinburgh School of Mechanical Engineering focusing on the dynamics of Complex Composite Structures. The PhD thesis covered the measurement and reduction of vibrations within various systems and structures. He is also an associate member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
Services for Offshore Wind and Underwater Acoustics